Flutter & Dart

Flutter is an open-source UI framework for creating high-level native interfaces on Android and iOS. The initial release of Flutter alpha by Google happened in May 2017. Flutter apps can be written in the Dart programming language. The Flutter Beta version was announced by Google in February at the Mobile World Congress 2018.

Our Course Content

  • Introduction
  • Why Should we Learn Flutter
  • What i will get after learning Flutter
What i will learn in Flutter
  1. Introduction
  2. Flutter Basics
  3. Running Apps on Different Devices & Debugging Apps
  4. Widgets, Styling, Adding Logic – Building a Real App
  5. Responsive & Adaptive User Interfaces and Apps
  6. Widget & Flutter Internals – Deep Dive
  7. Navigation & Multiple Screens
  8. State Management
  9. Working with User Input & Forms
  10. Sending Http Requests
  11. Adding User Authentication
  12. Adding Animations
  13. Using Native Device Features (Camera, Maps, Location, …)
  14. Running Native Swift, Objective C, Java or Kotlin Code
  15. Publishing to the App Stores
  16. Diving Into the Basics & Understanding Widgets
  17. Debugging Flutter Apps
  18. Running the App on Different Devices
  19. Working with Lists & Conditionals
  20. Navigation
  21. Handling User Input
  22. Diving Deeper Into Widgets
  23. Working with Forms
  24. Improving the App
  25. Models & State Management
  26. Flutter & HTTP
  27. Authentication
  28. Adding Google Maps to our App
  29. Accessing the Device Camera
  30. Adding Animations
  31. Polishing & Bug fixing
  32. Running Platform Specific Code

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