C# & .Net

C# and DotNet Online training

Our Course Content

  • What is Java 
  • Why to learn Java
Section 1 - Getting Started
  • Java Basics
    • Data Types
    • Arrays and References
    • Operators and Constructs
  • Java Objects
    • Dynamic Memory Allocation
    • Java Methods
    • Java Strings
Section 2 - Classes and Objects
  • Class Design
    • Fields and Access Control
    • Constructors
    • Method Overloading
    • Static Methods
  • Inheritance
    • Method Overriding
    • Using final and super
  • Abstract Classes and Methods
    • Dynamic Binding
    • Polymorphism
Section 3 - Working with Classes
  • Using instanceof
  • Interfaces
  • Exception Handling
    • Exception Objects
    • throw points, throws clause
    • trycatchfinally
Section 4 - User Interfaces
  • Window Applications
    • Layout Managers
    • Event Handlers and Listeners
    • Anonymous Classes and Lambdas
  • Java Swing APIs
    • Basic GUI Controls
    • Menus and MenuBars
Section 5 - Generics and Collections
  • Why Use Generics?
    • Generic Classes and Interfaces
    • Generic Iterators
  • Collections
    • ArrayListLinkedListHashMap
Section 6 - Threads
  • Thread States
  • Extending the Thread class
  • Timer Thread
  • Implementing the Runnable interface
Section 7 - File I/O
  • Input and Output Streams
  • Binary and Text Files
  • Files and Directory Methods
  • Java Language
  • JavaFX

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